ANNE OF GREEN GABLES was the first project I volunteered to do in theater photography. My friend, Mary Kay Fortier-Spalding, Miss MacKay in the play, asked me to make some photos of the scenes for the actors. Most actors are amateurs and hold down full time jobs, but they are still people who don't have a lot of of money to shell out for photos of their performances. So, the theater set aside some time to make scene-by-scene photographs for the actors' use.
I was all for that. I like the idea that the photographs I make will be useful to people and actors sure could use good photographs of their performances for their portfolios. So, it was a match made in heaven.
Steve Antenucci, the Executive Director, got wind of the project and saw the photos. He was interested in this strange person who was giving away photographs of the plays and wanted to get to know me. We had a meeting, which was really an interview, to talk about the Anne of Green Gables work. The long and short of it is that Steve asked if I might do the same thing for the next play on the docket. I quickly agreed to give it a try and we worked out an arrangement to see if it might work out. It did, and I have been making photo documents of the theater's productions since.
I shot the Anne of Green Gables play in the same style of photography that I had when I was a working photojournalist...I am documenting the human interaction involving a certain situation that arises in the play. I have the good fortune to have people experienced with conveying emotion, and these actors never let me down.
I was all for that. I like the idea that the photographs I make will be useful to people and actors sure could use good photographs of their performances for their portfolios. So, it was a match made in heaven.
Steve Antenucci, the Executive Director, got wind of the project and saw the photos. He was interested in this strange person who was giving away photographs of the plays and wanted to get to know me. We had a meeting, which was really an interview, to talk about the Anne of Green Gables work. The long and short of it is that Steve asked if I might do the same thing for the next play on the docket. I quickly agreed to give it a try and we worked out an arrangement to see if it might work out. It did, and I have been making photo documents of the theater's productions since.
I shot the Anne of Green Gables play in the same style of photography that I had when I was a working photojournalist...I am documenting the human interaction involving a certain situation that arises in the play. I have the good fortune to have people experienced with conveying emotion, and these actors never let me down.